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An act of selecting, or making a decision, when faced with two or more possibilities.     And this is           

We live in a world where each moment, each interaction, each event in our lives, appears to offer us a “choice”.
However, a recent study by scientists at M.I.T. found that how each of us perceives “reality” as our personal experience is mainly based on past experiences.

The study found that up to 80% of the way we perceive a given moment is through our sense of Sight, and how we perceive through sight is primarily determined by our past experiences.

Although we believe that we are “free” to make choices… our thoughts, our emotions, our beliefs, our actions, our reactions, and thus our entire lives, are affected by our past experiences.

Those who have suffered some form of Trauma are generally even more affected by their past experiences, typically finding themselves feeling “stuck” in various areas of their life, never realizing their true potential.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

C.G. Jung


Our body, our brain, even our cells, are wired to act and react based on the Sensory Perceptions we have in each moment.

Our Unconscious Mind records and stores the Sensory Impressions of each moment of our lives … each interaction, and each event which occurs, including all forms of Trauma.

These impressions form Mental Patterns which lead to actions, and reactions.

As a survival mechanism, our brain is wired to look for evidence of what is “occurring” based on the Beliefs we hold, which are primarily dictated by our past experiences.

Each person is experiencing their current experience of what they experience in each moment based on their past experiences, programming, and of course, Trauma.

Because of this, each person essentially remains “stuck” within the mental and emotional patterns of their past experiences.

Until the “Unconscious Anchors” which form the person’s mental and emotional Patterns of Perception are released, they will live a “future” life which is similar to their past life experiences, and they will never be “free” to live the life they desire most.


Each of us seeks to attain success in our lives, and to become the person we believe we are meant to be.

We seek safety, financial stability, recognition, connection, and love, striving to create the best life we can for ourselves.

All of the things we seek to attain are actually a search for a way to find Peace.

True Peace cannot be attained through accomplishment.

True Peace can only be achieved by releasing the past, and returning to the essence of who you really are, and who you are meant to be… informed, yet unaffected by past experiences and trauma.

  • Free of Judgement
  • Free of Fear
  • Free of Guilt
  • ​Free of Shame

Free of the walls which were built to protect ourselves from being hurt again.

A Freedom which gives True Peace…

Living as the person you were always meant to be. Completely Free from the past.

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Most strategies for improving one’s life and/or healing Trauma typically educate, and potentially help recall feelings and memories, but they do not actually “break” the existing Patterns of Perception and Experience which are directing and controlling every aspect of an individual’s life.

We are able to help our clients experience a complete shift in the way they experience their life in each present moment.

The Transformed Parent Is Different

The Transformed Parent has a proprietary Process which acts as a transformative catalyst in allowing our clients to release the “Unconscious Anchors” which form patterns.

This Process literally helps shift existing Patterns of Perception, and Experience, allowing each person to discover who they are truly meant to be, free from their past.

Our proven Process generates immediate results unlike any other method available today.

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As a Parent, your past experiences, and your unconscious patterns, impact virtually every aspect of how you guide your children, interact, and the relationship you have with them.

Each statement you make, each action you take, and each interaction you have with your child is directly affecting how your child sees themselves, the world around them, and who they will become.

As your child’s Patterns of Perception, and Identity are formed, beliefs about who they are, who they believe they need to be, and most importantly… what they believe they need to do in order to be safe, and get love, are also formed.

As a Parent, everything you do impacts your child’s future.

Parents who may have experienced some form of past Trauma, usually find that what would be considered “healthy guidance”, shifts into patterns of unhealthy interactions, and parenting.

For Parents to give their child the highest possibility of living a safe, healthy, successful life, each parent must take personal responsibility to release any unresolved Trauma they may hold, and shift their personal patterns.

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